Tag Archives: website content

Your Website … Did you set it and forget it?

rotisserieUnlike a Ronco Rotisserie, which you can set and forget, your website needs frequent basting.

You can keep it fresh and juicy by regularly adding new content.

Why? Because you give people a reason to visit more often. More

Website Design and SEO Copywriting Blunders

5 common mistakes that cost you new business and repeat sales Buyers are looking for you online. Can they find you? And once they do, are you giving them what they need to make an informed buying decision? Now that 70% of all purchases start with an online search, it makes good business sense to… More

Invisible blogging — are you accidentally doing it?

You may think your blog is working its magic. Even while you’re on vacation, current and potential customers are reading your posts and benefiting from your expertise. And your search engine rankings are on the rise, too. Alas, that might not be so. More

Search engines are not your customers

I have a website, but not a single search engine has sent me a check. How about you? Let’s not hold our breath, because no matter how much SEO we employ, spiders and algorithms will never whip out a check or credit card and buy from us. More

To blog or not to blog . . .

Are you a holdout like I was? Have you waded through too many blogs that veer off-topic and wander into “so what?” territory? Here’s why I finally jumped on the blog-wagon. I realized that, when done right, a blog is a win-win proposition. It gives customers what they need to make good buying decisions and… More